May 31, 2022 | Hurricane

Five-Step Hurricane Season Checklist

Don’t let hurricane season catch you unprepared. Hurricane season means that chances are higher for tropical cyclones, which can cause extensive damage to homes and businesses in the path. Hurricanes are massive storms that can produce high winds, flooding, and tornadoes,  which could mean a lot of damage to your property.

Create a plan now and follow these steps to make sure you’re ready for the next storm. During hurricane season you want to look to your local radio and or news channels for accurate updates and always obey evacuation orders to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Make a Plan

Your hurricane preparedness plan should include instructions for any necessary evacuations. Ensure all utilities are shut off and electronics are unplugged if possible. Your plan should include a safe meeting zone if you and your family are not all in the same place. Include a plan for your pets, including their food, medications, etc. Create a list of emergency contact numbers that you can easily access in case of an emergency. This list should include your doctor, the police, your insurance company and any other important contacts.

Strengthen Your Property

Be proactive when it comes to preparing your property prior to the start of hurricane season afterward to help minimize damage and cost to repair in the event of a storm. Considering protecting windows and doors by investing in storm shutters. Plywood can also be a lower-cost resource for last-minute protection that can be nailed onto window frames. Move or secure all items in your yard including bikes, toys, and patio furniture. Move vehicles that are at risk of damage to a safe zone like a garage. Trim any trees that could cause damage to your or your neighbor’s properties.

Gather Important Documents

Compile vital documents like birth certificates, marriage licenses, financial documents, and any valuable jewelry or family heirlooms should be kept in either a bolted safe in your home or in a safety deposit box. If something happens to your original documents, it’s important to have copies stored in a safe place. Scan or photocopy any important documents and store them in a secure location like the safety deposit box, a password-protected computer file or in a cloud. .

Prepare an Emergency Kit

An emergency kit will help in the event of a power outage or other unforeseen emergencies.

Your kit should include:
• Flashlights
• Extra Batteries
• Candles
• Lighters
• Portable Radio
• Non-Perishable Food
• Supply of Bottled Water
• Cash
• Toiletries
• First-Aid Kit
• Medications
• Clothing
• Blankets

Determine Shelter Area

In the event you are home during a hurricane, you should have a room identified in the home as the shelter. Your shelter room should always be on the first floor. Ideally, it will be in the center of your home with little to no windows. You will want to avoid all windows until a storm passes.

During hurricane season it’s imperative to safety to have a plan of action to protect your family, your home and your business. Check out these the ICAT Hurricane Preparedness page for more details and hurricane season resources.